Hahaa!, today i just cook for myself a simple dish. Manifique!. its deleicious... Today my mom never cook ah..haiz...hahaha, wake up in the morning didn't saw my mom. ask my 1st bro he said she went out go pasar?. crap...my 1st bro was complaining his hungry but no matter what still, theres no food.. what to do just keep quite just continue watching tv. HAhahA!. Out of sudden i got idea's to make my self not hungry, and its the 'Simple Western Dish' that i've been thinking of, haha..gather all my mom needy groceries for me to cook and WalaH!, start work. =D i gather potato, egg, mayo, cabbage, butter(as oil)...yar those stuff only. very simple eh?. at first i taught its gonna taste bad, but at the end..Hey not bad eh?..really its not bad.. very good skilled cooking i am.. hahaha..so after that my 2nd bro came back home and 1st bro go out and my second bro bought for me what i wanted and that is OLd cHangkei Curry puff.. but still my cook is better taste then the old chankei. serious. ;)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Alrite, today just bought new shorts for training. actually wanted to buy 2 in 1 shorts, what i meant is for soccer and running/Gym. but at the end i guess i bought the wrong one. what i meant by the wrong one is cause when i see the tag at the inner back of the pants i saw its for boys but not men. the size everything is ok, only that men or boys one is the one that i choose wrongly. but watever it is i can use it for running. that pants kind of tight but not to tight. haha..so i guess need to find another sports shorts for my self exactly like what i wanted again. After that meet Fauzan and chillout.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Taufiq Ermanno Rizzo okie, this advice seriously not relvent..most of the time i'm spending my self a time alone!.. what kind of a crap advice is that?!?..lol.. i guess i'll do the opposite of this...
____________________________________________________________________ ALrite today going to my elder cousin's house. cause theres and open house there. he invited me through sms, so if i never go is like surely WTF.. haha. so must go no matter what. i guess i'm gonna consume alot of food down there, rite now really i havent eat any heavy meal yet, this morning i just ate 4 piece of bread and milo with marrie biscuit. now just waiting for this open house thinggy then i'll eat heavyyy..haha.. alrite guys got to dress up already, so bye.. =)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Taufiq Ermanno Rizzo ooh yar i got anti this person from secondary school till now, he likes to bully people. seriously i cant forgive him just like that and also the bitches from secondary school, i really dont like how they talk, seriously irritating (abt the bitches, not talking abt my batch. talking abt the lower batch).. hhmmm... cause of todays advice i'll try.
There is an air of quiet in your romantic affairs right now, Sagittarius, and this will work well in matters of the heart for you. All you need to do right now is pay atte...ntion and reflect on the experiences of your inner drives, and you will receive clarity today on how to make progress in love. A situation or individual may be puzzling you these days, but action is not recommended in this regard today. Rather, this is a time where you need to spend more time on you than on anyone else. As soon as you figure out what makes you happy, you will understand what will make your romantic relationships happier as well. Click here to read more...
After training at Woodlands gym went to meet Fauzan at Tampines, actually today Diana and Joyce supposed to tag along but i guess they are busy with their oWn stuff and yar, so Diana if i nearly Gonna SPOIL ur PLans i'm sorry- Maaf zahir dan batinn.......
( hey Guys wanna ask u something, do i look gay with that kind of coloured clothes?..some of my fren do say that cause i'm using the colour pink, they know that i'm no gay but because i wear pink then my fren say its like a gay. but seriously i'm no gay aite. I'm Straight. =), Just asking?.)
Yar watever it is continuing my story, i met fauzan late. shit man, i dunno why i'm a late commer person sia. but i manage to make up for him something like treating him drink when we wanna eat =). So yea, after eating at Giant we went to Ikea, Window shopping all the stuff there. feel all the bed the sofa, chairs, dinning table and more.....i feel like ikea is the heavenly place for me, so happy when i get to see all the sutffs there. sometimes i just wish my interrior house is like the interrior designs or home decor designs at Ikea. Haizz.... =[
Theres this place that have lots of sofa's, we sit on this red sofa and DAmn!, that sofa is so freaking comfortable...it just makes the butt rest in peace... hahaha. then tried another sofa but the comfortable rate not that good but i like the pillow from that sofa, really2 freaking comfrotable. so from there i combine them with the comfortable sofa that i sit early on then WOW, BAMM!, Shiat!... I LOVE IT.. Hahaha!. even my fren love the feeling of it. wow. picking sofa's is like making a master piece of food delight. u got to know how to choose ur stuff...
After walking at Ikea we went back home, fauzan getting tired cause before that he got training at his school, he is in the Athelete CCa. so i understand. (Next time to the TAmpinese Courts!) Weeee~
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Today can say i acheieved alot on running, followed fauzan's way of routine for running, but pancit man at the end. so long never run when puasa time, then when starting to run back i feel my body my leg kind of heavy sia... hahaha... i run altogether 6k, but i'm not doing it one time go. i'm doin it by sets like just now i do 1st set- 1k, so its 3 1/2 rounds around std. 2nd set- 2k, 5 rounds. 3rd set is 3k, 8 1/2 rounds. got interval in between of the runs must rest 3 mins max but so far cant take it so i take 5 mins for the last 1 set. Crazy!, haha.. after then running cool down, walk at the bukit timah park for awhile took some pics then after that went of and change up.
So after that went to woodlands. went to sports shops to look for trainning shirt, dry fit shirt. then saw this shirt that i saw for 16.50 and i kind of like the colour and the design. so far try on it and felt comfortable. can make used of this shirt for running, gym and playing street soccer.. WEEE~~.. =) really planning for this month and this up coming new year to spend all my money on sports clothings & accessories and also going to spend money for clothings to go out. so must collect money real hard this month till end of next year. =).
i think tmrw Me, Joyce, Diana and Fauzan going IKEA!,Weee!.. =D
Monday, September 21, 2009
My atuk is admitted in hospital at Tan Tock Seng yesterday NIght at 9.00pm. today i visited him after my gym workout. Arrived there when i saw my atuk on the bed lying and lots of needles poke in him it makes me feel sad, but the part that makes me really2 want to cry but i manage to withstand it is when he with no teeth asking for something he really craved alot(Coffee, lime juice) and saying out my name my relatives name is really2 making me seriously wanting to drop to tears. I can feel that his life is going to end soon, really soon. his age is 86 years old, i guess same age as LKY?. one thing that i'm suprise is his spirit his will is very2 strong in him, half of human being if they got this kind of problem and need to lay down on the bed surely they have not enough strength, but for my atuk he really2 have the spirit in him asking my mom to make him sit not lying down. but to bad he must lay down and rest. he have been suffering this old sickness like his feet swollen, sometimes cant stand the ich of his body, sometimes family problem, craving problem, leg problem(have no strength to walk) and also sometimes he have uncontrollable passmotion. u just imagine u as and old man having this kind of sickness for years?, not sure when it started? but just imagine god give you 1 year with that kind of sickness?, i guess u cant even stand a chance for 5 min. that old man is suffering alot, what i can say abt my atuk is he is a very holy man, hey prays 5 times a day, recite the quran and more. I guess allah is just punishing him of his young deeds that he have done, my atuk got told me when his still young he likes to kick people, punch people and lots of stuff. i guess thats why he have been living a long live and also getting this kind of sickness. but what i know in islam teachings they say if u have been punished in the world that we are living now when u pass away he Allah wont punish u anymore. its like u washing ur dirty white cloth before putting them in ur cupboard.
When i prayed for him, i ask god:
oh allah if u want to take his life plz do, plz allah dont suffer my atuk here anymore. he have feel enough of ur punishments. plz allah dont make him suffer, i really cant take it when i see him that way.. u are the most forgiving the most caring and no god other then u oh Allah. oh allah plz, plz, plz make my prayers come true. Amin. (this doa is also been used to my late grandmother and my doa really2 came true and she really pass away smoothly.)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
FITRI!!... =D
After Aidil fitri Prayers.
Going to Jalan Raya
Taufiq Ermanno Rizzo wow, ok?.. so ur were saying i will have but its all up to me to make the moves?.. khalis i guess what u told me is link to this?.. hmmm.. the thing rite now is i dont want to use my nafsu just to have a girl, it like not sincere at all..hhmm... :[
SELAMAT HARI RAYA to u Muslims people of different races that have been fasting for this past 1 MONTH!, Alhamdulillah... =), tmrw starts Aidil Fitri. Need to wake up early in the morning tmrw to go for the Hari raya Prayers, only God knows what happens tmrw after the Prayers. but i guess its standard, after the prayer we ate the traditional food that my mom cook, Ketupat, Ayam merah, Kuah rojak daging and more...then after that we will go visit the old people first and that is my Grandfather thats rite now sick(uzur). after the visit i'm hoping for home sweet home. Lazy wanna go other relatives house, haha... so yar that will be watever it is for tmrw.
Forgiveness:Selamat Hari Raye Aidil Fitri to my Frens that have been with me for years, My Family, My Relatives, My Muslim Teachers, My Muslims fren those who blog and did not, My Muslim Facebook frens and last not least to the Non- muslim community out there =), I hope u all forgive me for my mistakes that i have make the past, present and future coming. if i got make u all angry, i'm really2 sorry for what i have done. sometimes when its hyper we talk we dont even think and then words that u dont like it just spilt out of the mouth I hope u forgive me, no one is perfect in this world am i rite?.. so i hope u forgive me.=)
Wow what time issit now?.. 1.10 in the morning? that must be crazy?, the whole day i've been finding something i really like for this blog skin and finally i choose this skin for the blog. NIce???... to me its more me, more very chill kind of skin, chill kind of songs. i love it =).
so talking abt friday morning, i wanted to go to mosque cause u know?. Fridays all Male muslims are going for Friday Prayers. so the thing is today i want to go to gym after the prayers so i packed my stuff and without salam my moms and dads hand i just went of, theres a thing they call taboo like if u dnt salam ur mom, dads hand before going of (touch wood) something will happend to u somewhere, like can say theres no blessing like that. abt the inccident actually theres a long story behind this prob, its between me and my dad. so i was saying i went of, actually its raining outside, not that heavy but still rainny.. so went down, walk fast cause i was late for prayers cause u know?, THE WHOLE DAY FINDING BLOGSKINS??. hahaha.. SUDDENLY!, Shit!. the floor was slippery and slip my left leg but didnt fall then my right leg swing abit cause lost of balance and the right toe knock hard into this red piece of concirde sharp edges and DAMN!...OMG!, it just cut deep into my toe and slicing of a piece of skin from the toe, ARRHHH!!.... i shouted shit! all the way seeing my toe with the skin sticking out hanging, with no doubt i just pull of my skin slowly an also effectively quick. slowly the blood rush of its spot, lots of blood just dripped i taught i still can move but when i move a square foot the blood is just comming out faster, i tried to use tissue and also wrapping it around my toe cut. i walk just a distance and when i see my toe i saw my tissue from white become red, all red.. i think twice cause i cant pray with lots of blood coming out??, no way. so i went back home and u know?..wash it up. when i saw my leg got cut suddenly i think of my father when how i talk to him rudely and also my cautions told me, thats why who ask u to be rude to ur father in this month of ramadan??..when i think back of it i seriously felt stupid...lol. so this is the cut on my toe that i'm talking abt. look how deep is that, even my frens are shock of it. hahaha. GOD(Allah) REALLY TEACH ME A GOOD LESSON. =)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Syawal is just 2 more days around the corner, Ramadan is ending in 2 more days. i dont feel like going raya to my relatives house, no matter what i must go cause that is adat orang melayu..hhmm. as i grow up the fun and burn of hari raya is slowly fading away. my life this month is really2 plain, i'm getting bored each day, each hr. sometimes if i cant stand staying at home i just get out of the house and walk to some mall and just window shop alone. if not that, i'll just go gym and do what i always do. but still doing all things alone is making me insane!.
I dunno why i'm getting desperate and sometimes more desperate for relationship. 4 to 5 years without any partner is really2 killing the soul in me. Maybe i just over reacting, but deep inside seriously i feel so down so..so...arrhh!..i dont know what to say. its just very Down.. but the question and the thing i fear now is that what will i do when i have one??.. will this relationship be like those past years that i have with my ex-gf?, very fast?.. hhmmmm...i'm so glad to have created this blog for my own, thx to my fren for making me start this blog again. this blog really make me express all the feelings that i really cant take it. haiz..but by expressing ur feelings they only go away for awhile. Every time i saw couples walking together, holding hands together, frens having Gf. can say i felt jelous?. usually i dont feel this way. but now i do.. what have happened to me?.
"Aku takut perasaan in adalah nafsu ku yang tak akan mati. adakah ini dugaan besar ku dari illahi?.. kerana ramadan akan menningal kan kaum islam inikah yang dugaan terakhir bagi Allah S.w.t pada wakut ramadan yang akan akhir?."
hhmmm....(kalau aku bual merepek maaf kan aku je la, aku skrng tenga binggung). Yesterday i talk to one of my fren diana abt all this shit, i cant imagine i'm sharing my problems with a girl?, everytime this kind of problem appeared to me i will always talk to my old frens. i still remember when we still in secondary school, after prayers we always go to my frens house and chill out talk abt girls, play games at the same time, express our problems to each other.. but this time its different, first time in my life expressing such problems with a girl, hahaha. but watever it is thx Diana for having a listening ear yesterday. i really appreciate it alot. we really talk from 11? till 2 something. we slept late. i feel like going to some wide area like the sea and just shout all my problems. AAAAAARRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (guess what?, this is not the sea. HAhah!).
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Wow, this dog is sure damn big. i wish i can ride him to school man. wow. his big!.
I guess last time our prophets is this kind of height, this is unimaginable. Wow.
Is this some trickery?, but it seems not?..hhmm.. crystal in a girls eye, she could have been blinded?..Wow, marvelous, but what i can say if the family is lying the can burn in hell, HAHAH.
Very innovative, I LIKE!. =)
WOW!.. Japan innovation is really damn good..
U people got to watch this. this is really cool.
Wow i got to stop watching vid now, i'm really getting obsessed of watching another if i saw one.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Link: http://norazihan.blogspot.com/2008/09/doa-malam-lailatul-qadar.html The Virtues of the Night of Al-Qadr Author:'Abdullaah Ibn Saalih Al-Fawzaan Source:Ahaadeeth As-Siyaam (pg. 141-143)
Abu Hurairah (raa) reported that the Messenger of Allaah (saws) said: "Whoever performs the night prayer on the night of Al-Qadr with Eemaan (firm belief) and seeking reward will have all his past sins forgiven." [1] This hadeeth is evidence for the virtue of the night of Al-Qadr as well as performing qiyaam (night prayer) during it. And it indicates that it is a grand night, which Allaah has honored and made better than a thousand months, with regard to its blessing and the blessings found in the righteous deeds that are performed in it. Thus it is better than the worship of a thousand months and that is equivalent to eighty-three years and four months. Due to this, whoever performs qiyaam (night prayer) with true faith and while seeking reward in it, will be forgiven his past sins. There were certain verses revealed concerning this virtue:
Allaah says: "We sent it (the Qur'aan) down on a blessed night. Verily We are Ever-Warning. Therein (on that night) is decreed every matter of ordainment." [2]
Therefore, it is a "blessed night" meaning it possesses much good and blessing due to its merit and the great reward that awaits the one who does good deeds in it. Among its blessings, is that Allaah revealed the Qur'aan in it. Allaah says:
"Verily, We have sent it (the Qur'aan) down in the night of Al-Qadr. And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr is? The night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months. Therein descend the angels and the Rooh (Jibreel) by their Lord's permission with all decrees. (All that night) there is peace, until the appearance of dawn." [3]
Ibn Katheer (rahimahullaah) said concerning Allaah's saying: "Therein descend the angels and the Rooh": "This means that the descending of the angels increases during this night due to the vast amount of its blessings. And the angels descend along with the descent of blessing and mercy, just as they descend during the time when the Qur'aan is recited and encompass the gatherings in which Allaah is remembered and spread their wings for the true seeker of knowledge, out of respect for him." [4]
This night occurs only in Ramadaan, since Allaah revealed the Qur'aan in it. He informs us that its revelation occurred during the month of Ramadaan in His saying: "Verily, We have sent it (the Qur'aan) down in the night of Al-Qadr." [5]
And His saying: "The month of Ramadaan in which was revealed the Qur'aan" [6]
This means that its revelation from Allaah to His Prophet Muhammad (saws) began in it.
Allaah's statement: "The night of Al-Qadr" is either an indicative of the honor and station of that night, as it is said: "Such and such person has great Qadr". The conjunction of "the night" to Al-Qadr is the joining of a descriptive feature to it, thus making it mean "An honorable night". The word "Al-Qadr" may also be in reference to the ordainment and disposal of affairs. Thus, its being joined to the word "the night" would be in order to denote a place or time for it. So it would mean "the night in which all that will occur in the following year will be decreed." This is similar to Allaah's saying: "Therein (on that night) is decreed every matter of ordainment." [7]
Qataadah said of this: "Therein is decreed every matter for the (upcoming) year" [8] and Ibn Al-Qayyim said that this is the correct opinion. [9]
What seems most correct is that there is nothing that restricts the possibility of these two understandings and Allaah knows best.
His statement: "with Eemaan" means with firm conviction in what Allaah has prepared for those who stand in prayer during this magnificent night. And "seeking reward" means looking for reward and the attainment of recompense.
Thus, this is a grand night, which Allaah has chosen for beginning the revelation of the Qur'aan. So the Muslim must acknowledge its weight in worth, by guarding it and spending it in worship whilst having firm conviction and seeking the reward of Allaah, in order that Allaah may forgive all of his previous sins. This is why the Prophet (saws) warned us about being heedless of this night and being neglectful of spending it in worship, for the Muslim would be prevented from its good.
Abu Hurairah (raa) reported that the Messenger of Allaah (saws) said: "Ramadaan has come to you - a blessed month. Allaah has made it obligatory upon you to fast in it. During this month, the gates of heaven are open, the gates of the Hellfire are closed and the evil devils are chained. To Allaah belongs a night in it, which is better than a thousand months. Whoever is prevented from its good, then he has been deprived." [10]
The Muslim should supplicate much on the nights in which the night of Al-Qadr is sought. And he should supplicate with that which the Prophet (saws) instructed 'Aa'ishah (raa) with, when she asked him: "What if I know on which night the night of Al-Qadr occurs, what should I say?" So he (saws) said: "Say: O Allaah, indeed you are All-Pardoning. You love forgiveness, so forgive me." [11]
Ibn Katheer (rahimahullaah) said: "It is recommended to supplicate a lot at all times and (to supplicate) more than that during the month of Ramadaan, its last ten days and its odd days. And it is highly recommended to increase ones invoking with this supplication: 'O Allaah, indeed you are All-Pardoning. You love forgiveness, so forgive me.'" [12]
If u dnt want to read atleast give urself a chance to Listen to this vid and u will know why lailatul Qadar is really important to the muslim community.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Alrite today i went out with my 2 old frens. we went to plaza sing cause my fren aiman wanted to buy something for himself, while he bought something i'm also looking for something but didnt have the intentions to buy anything. so i and muhammad followed him wherever he goes and also somehow we became his consultant, hahaha...so when his looking for something and i'm looking for something at cotton on then we came across with this shades and sunglasses area, i grab one and try on it and Damn...i look good on it. hahaha..Felt like a Million Dollar Baby. hahaha. aiman and muhammad also agreed on it. so after all the trying and thinking suddenly i felt like buying one of them. at first the shades on top when i wear i told muhammad damn i look like one Matrip then after awhile looking at the morrior i feel like hhmmm, not bad..so with no doubt i just buy it, the reason i buy this also cause Hari raya is coming so i can use this shades to go out with frens and also not only for hari raya but for other occasions to. can say today i've somehow learn how to really dress up well. what aiman wear i just copy him but i dont buy them but for him he got the $$ so he bought them. hahah, but seriously after all the cut and paste, Damn i really look good if i everytime dress up like how aiman dress up. but to bad no money. T-T.
After all the shop at plaza sing we went causeway point, i went to metro there to look for perfume, just notice that the new ferrari perfume is out, but the smell is not that nice. but i've came across this perfume WOw. u must try it but if u only got the money, haha..the perfume is from justin timberlake when i smell the perfume wow, the smell really smells good. u got to try it man.. the price is $123, if only i got the money now i'll buy it. haiz..
This is so true abt womens brain. go watch it, its Compulsary. HAHahA.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
alrite today is my frens birthday his name is Hakim, we call him Z. so i've bought a present for him, i and my class contribute money to buy this present, special thx to my frens who contributed. u know who u all are and yeah without u all this present wont be here and wont be gave tmrw. so thank you very much. so Z i hope u love ur present that we bought for u aite. Happy birthday. =)
Today i just watch movie from some website, i watch the movie calledThe Ugly Truth. can say the movie is good, i like those kind of movies cause the movie teaches man of their weakness and how to overcome it and also its shows the ugly truth from the both parties. and also they show how woman thinks abt man. not only The Ugly Truth that i've been watching but also the movie called Hitch, acted by Willsmith and American Pie 1 to 4. try not to watch the 5 and 6 cause it dosent really helps to get and idea/tips on how to have a good dating skills and more. 5 and 6 is more to comedy or for fun of watching naked chicks, hahaha ;). Other then that i think i got watch other previous movies that some how related to this kind of genre from the previous times but i forget their tittle. so this is the 3 movies that i can share. so guys or girls if u think u want to improve urself on how to have a good first time communication with ur first time date i guess watching this movies maybe will boost ur self esteem that's in u. this movies will some how build ur confidence, not try to say that i'm good at this kind of stuff but just sharing. so here are some trailer on the movies that i've just stated abv.