Monday, June 23, 2008

learn something about Islam

Today i learn something about islam its really intersting then i taught the quran says that there is such thing as aliens and we muslim must belive there such thing as them in the universe, what i read they said that aliens are also creation from Allah so as spirits like jin, if there such thing as jin islam and jin khafir and there also must be alien that is the same as that, when judgement day comes everything that Allah created will Face him including us!. i read this from this website read it if u are intersted in it, they didnt just put about aliens, its a package. so read it and i also did see a video about jesus is islam..u dont just come to consequences when i said that, if u are a true beliver u must read from that website it is in category jesus in islam, its a video not in text, the one whos talking is Sheikh Yusuf Estes, he is explaining to christian belivers muslim belivers and anyone is attending to his talk...i cant say anyting more cause i dont want to explain anything wrong and at the end i dont want to go to hell myself and whos reading this is follow ship of me, so is up to u guys to go to the web, its interesting..

DATE: 23-06-08
TIME: 23:13

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Interesting stuff happens

Today i went to the gym around 1.45, when i arrived at woodlands gym, straight away i went to the toilet and change and drink my supplement, while I'm drinking my supplement inside the toilet i saw this guy he came from the toilet door kind of like surprise to see me and the weird thing is he observed me assive his not a straight man, omg that was absolutely anything bad that's in your mind that u can described him i was like looking at him weirdly while he go to the sink to wash his hand's when he finish washing his hand's he looked at me again, i feel like saying to him "do i look so gay to you?" still i make that weird face again in front of him...damn....finish drinking my supplement i get out and i don't look around me then i take a drink of water from my bottle and straight away start my workout. First i do the cable row about 2000m and i finish around 4Min's, the good thing is when I'm doing the rowing i saw this girl wearing a sexy outfit just doing some workout just beside of me..haha...then there i can see her cleavage from a quick glance, i think her age is around 16 or younger? but i see her breast is like wow, like every guy needs..hhhmmm.....and that also makes me want to show who's the man down there, i pull the rowing machine as hard as i can, haha...can't believe that...then after finish doing my rowing thirst of tiredness i take drink, when I'm taking a drink i see that sexy girl is with either a friend or a sis, but it seems the face doesn't look the same so maybe its her friend her friend looks is not bad it seems she a cheerful person, this 2 girl they looks exactly like this typical minahs look but deep within i think they are not like them as in their attitudes, think so?....OK when I'm starting to do triceps cable pushdown from 3rd set going to 4th set this trainer he asked this girl to used the machine to do triceps cable push down aswell then when i was like queuing for my turn to do it i saw this girl she kind of struggling doing it, i feel like helping her like just go infront of her and say "hey do you need some help lady" but at the end i didnt do it, but she did turn at me and kind of like smile in struggleness like trying to ask me for help..dammit.. i can just imagine if i just said that to her maybe we could be friends, gym friends...hhmmm...wat a waste..finish doing the cable triceps pushdown then i do overhead triceps extension using just 1 weight 15kg dumbbells and reps around 4set, reps 15 then continue doing skull crusher 1 weight, weight's around 10kg, reps 10 and sets 5 then jump to biceps, doing barbell biceps curl weight stay to 1, weights 10kg one side 5kg, sets 4, reps 10. After that do one arm dumbbells weight around 10kg, sets 4, reps 10 the last set increase weight around 15kg then done.......wish to see those girls someday, maybe we can be friends......

DATE: 19-06-08
TIME: 21:28

Learning new stuff

woke at 10.30a.m then do decline push up 50 reps dont feel the struggle that much think i got improve and then bath. Finish bathing surf the net about bodybuild, web>>( this web is very useful try view it...

DATE: 19-06-08
TIME: 11:55

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Not Going Anywhere (Rest For today)

Today woke up at 12.00p.m feeling restless and feel sore on my back, legs and calves.....take a bath, eat what my mom have cooked at the same time i watch TV. Finish watching TV and eating my mom asked me to buy 2pack of eggs and 1 pack bread, i kind of feeling lazy actually then no matter what need to make a move. Before i make a move I've quarrel with my parents about the money they gave, they gave me a thorn 10 dollar bill money and the thorn is not that bad but its still money. I'm just particular about it and i don't want to go to the shop and then i need to come back home without anything and its just a waste of time, but in the end i still go. Bought the stuff then i saw the clouds is grayish so it should be raining soon, when i reached home i start on surfing the net on my comp and then it started to rain heavily and lightning strikes aggressively and loudly.....

DATE: 18-0608
TIME: 15:05

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Finally i can sleep

at last I'm sleeping, if not my mind is always thinking of something till i cant sleep, today nothing much had happened, morning around 9.45 my friend called me he said that the gym is going to be used by dragon boat people around 2, what i must like drag my self to the toilet and get ready to go to my ITE Dover gym, ok this part is funny when i taking the escalator to the MRT i saw this Chinese Old Lady then when she turn around i smile at her, basic courtesy rite? then she began to talk to me ok that's fine i don't mind but the thing that i mind is she talk Chinese to me i was smiling when shes talking, i make different kind of expressions adhesive i understood what she's talking. when the train have arrived what my mind is thinking is not to sit with her and choose a place that have only one sit, why i think like that because if i sit beside her she's going to talk to me until she reach her destination, when i reached the gym I'm kind of mad cause the thing is my friend zul, he said he have opened the gym door then his coming early but right now when i reach the gym door i tried to open but its locked then i msg him and call him he pick up the phone, when he pick the call i heard noises but i don't hear his voice saying what i want and stuff, i was like irritated by that then i call and call him again now he didn't pick up the phone on that point i'm feeling more irritate, then i call my other friend Z when i call him i ask Z where is zul i just make a rough guess that zul is around with him then Z said his just beside him then i told him about the door, he said his sorry and everything and when i meet him face to face he said why i didn't told him that i'm coming? wait2 i don't understand that part he didn't know, i taught i told him before, i told him when i'm at the MRT.....after that he gave me the keys for the gym and then i start doing my workouts.
DATE: 17-06-08
TIME: 23:10


Firstly what i do is i used the rowing machine i do around 2000m my goal is to finish around 14min but at the end i finish around 6min something, wow that was fast the last time i used that is around 16min...finish doing the rowing, rest for 10Min's. Now start doing with the carrying of weights, today's muscle is whole legs, calves and whole back workouts, firstly do some stretching before doing some workouts. Legs exercise first i do the leg extension do around 6sets and starting with 15 reps till 4 to 5reps for the last set, 1st set the weight is around 100 pounds, the weights go up by 10 pounds so if 6set i should done around 150pounds for the last set then rest for 5Min's, jump to squats, this squat workout i'm doing is not using the Olympic bar but i use dumbbell its easier because when u really cant carry the heavy weights u can just drop them at the sides, for the squat starting weight i carry is 20kg sets is 6 rest for 5Min's then i do leg press, leg press starting weight is 40kg one side 20kg i do 6sets but the last 3 sets i stay on the same weight the weight is 120kg one side 60kg then i rest for 5Min's, hamstring is the back muscle of the leg....the hamstring starting weights i cant remember but i do 6sets reps as usual then jump to the muscle called calves, for calves workout first thing i do is stretching then began with standing calve raise first weight is 50kg one side 25kg sets of 6 last weight for the last set is 135kg one side 67.5kg rest for 5 Min's then i do donkey calve raise using a friend on top of you, make your self like a donkey then ur friend sits on top of you then raise up and down to the fullest with slow motion cycle rest for 5 Min's then stretch anything to do with the back muscle, for the back i do shrug with 2 dumbbell beside me. Carry it as slow as possible, concentration. I start the weight around 40kg each and sets of 6, stay on the same weight then i do cable row stay on one weight do 6 sets, weights 100 pound reps 20 then i do back delt exercise using 2 plates of 10, 6set, rep20. Hold the plates using the 2 center finger on the hole then make the plate face each other bend your back to 90 degrees and pull the plates up and while pulling it twist it by the out and make the flat surface of the plate look back depends on witch way holding it and also while pulling it make sure the hands are also on 90 degree. Finish doing the workout for back delts then do reverse lat pull down weights at 100, stay on the same weight and do sets of 6, reps do 20 finish doing that then do the last exercise dead lift weights 30kg one side 15kg, sets6, reps 20 last 2 sets i do 10 reps only...

(Back double biceps) & (Back lat Spread)

Monday, June 16, 2008

CCA stuff

12.35p.m I've reach bukit gombak gym meet my friend zul cause he said there's some meeting about CCA's stuff and at the same time carrying weights, i turn up but the rest of the members didn't turn up, maybe they got some problems of their own. What a disappointing thing for zul but no matter what i came, at least he got someone to talk to about the CCA stuff. I don't understand the school, they wanted to do this geek band thinggy and Indian dance and this SC(Student Counsellor) people they make this event for us the gym members, zul said to me what they said to him that, "hey u all listen to hip hop songs and why don't you all make a dance, a performance." OH...MY....GOD, whats wrong with this people we listen to music we like RnB so be it why must they ask us to dance, yar2 we got some dancers in my gym but there's only 2...haiyo... and about this geek band, me and the gym members must become a bouncer for security reasons and they dont want at the end of the party theres police stopping by because of fights or whatever, What The FUCk. Now we gonna handle with police?, man!.....they want bouncers because what i heard zul said geeks, theres always a fight so now what i'm gonna be is a fist puncher?, what the hell.... then i told faizul i'm only gonna be on the geek band but not other show's, after all the talking zul went back cause his done with carrying weights and he need to meet someone. i came late actaully, the meeting is suposed to be at 11.00p.m but i came around 12.35p.m, i got reasons u know, my reasons is i haven't ate yet and my mom have not cook yet so i must wait for my mom to cook, ate her food and done "POoF' out of the finish talking to faizul i start carry some weight.

DATE: 16-06-08
TIME: 19:29


what i'm doing to day is chest excercise only, so first thing is i warm up my self by cycling the bicycle machine then start with flat bench press weight 40kg one side 20kg done around 15 reps till 4 to 5 reps thats the last rep, stay on the same weight till the 6th set, increase weight by 10kg one side 5kg...after that jump to incline bench press start with 40kg one side 20kg, kind of struggling but i rest in between of the reps, didn't complete the sets of 6, i just do it till 4set then skip to incline dumbell press forget wats the weight, struggling alot on the weights......tried doing flat dumbell press but no more energy.....

Just preparing for Napfa Test(NS) and it's badly done

Wow, yesterday night i really cant sleep, i actually still closing my eyes but my self didn't want to sleep but my self keep yawning thinking of what my girl-friend had told me what had happen to her HP, my mind keep on thinking about all this wild stuff about me and i open my eyes and look at the time and it's around 6.45a.m, i went to the toilet and do what people always do after that i went to my room and play psp, 'winning eleven' game and then remembered i need to confirm with my girl-friend is she going to run with me for 2.4 at gombak gym by the time its around 7.00a.m i miss called her three times and then she pick up the phone she said that she's not going, so its up to me to run 2.4 alone around my school near my block, after talking to her i slept again cause from night till morning i cant sleep so now I'm trying to continue my sleep at the end i did sleep so i wake up around 9.00 and that's because i need to train myself for my NS napfa test. OK, while running for my 2.4 the first round i tried fast jog and by the 2nd round i feel kind of tired but i still continue jogging and the final round wow, i really tried to sprint but i cant cause really2 to tired and i feel my legs are heavy and cramp...reach the finish line i see my timing and is around 14 Min's 20 sec...hhmm... i did poorly, but never mine cause this is only my first training after that rest for 5 Min's then i continue doing sit ups around 44 within 1 minute, i think it should be ok and pull ups, wow i tried using the bar that is thicker so i can practice on my gripping but i only did around 9, that's very2 poor and i also tried another shot for it by using the pull up bar beside it, the bar is thinner so i grip the bar and it's just nice but i think my body is to tired and i did only 5, haha...badly done..

DATE: 16-06-08
TIME: 11:25


Sunday, June 15, 2008


3.45p.m my mom is making muffin and baking it, it seems that my mom is not teaching me? not that i want to take advantage but....arrhh, its hard to explain...OK when my mom is making the muffin, i make move to the kitchen and help my mom make some muffin so there i go blending the cream to make the top letters of the muffin, you see before i help my mom me and my bro got this plan for my father since we got no present and its a coincidence that my mom making some muffin my 2nd bro told me that why don't i put the cream on top each muffin to make the father's day sentence and make him arrange it one by one and guess what it is, my idea is just using 1 muffin and write the father's day wish on it but it seems my bro's idea is i followed what he said and continue helping my mom when the cream is ready its is around 4.45p.m, me and my mom use the cream presser to decorate the muffin, my job is to write the alphabets and my mom job is to decorate the sides, we use two colours actually the cream colour is supposed to be green and yellow but in the end it turn to mint green and strawberry cause we firstly we use food colouring powder and it seems the colour is not coming out then we use blue liquid food colouring and at the end it truns mint green and for the yellow my mom change her idea and she use red liquid food colouring, me and my mom is so surprise about it so at the end we just continue with it...the decoration have finally finish and this is how it looks like.....

(The Muffin TAADDAA!!)

OK by the time were done our decoration its around 5.15p.m now its time to ask my father to rearrange the letters, ok this is the part i really hate wanna know why, u see just now i ask my father to arrange the letter while his sitting on the couch watching TV guess what, he seems not even appreciating my work my and my bro's idea, i kind of quarrel with him for awhile after that maybe he has open his heart to accept what i have make for him and my bro's idea, he force him self to get off the couch and go to the dinning table to rearrange the words and at the end of it, think he feel happy?...OK i also have took the picture of him and the Muffin....We had a great time after that.


DATE: 15-06-08

TIME: 21:08

(Father's Day) Nothing much....

Today woke up around 10.10a.m and feeling abit restless to get up from bed it should be the sore from the gym yesterday, today i felt the sore at the Lat and not much on my triceps and about the vanilla Up Your Mass I've drank it so far theres not side effects of it, I'm just afraid maybe I'm con by the person...done with the feeling restlessness I'd force my self to do what i normally do, incline push ups standard 50, still can feel the struggleness on the 40s to 50s, no sign of improvements yet but willing to change it no matter what....finish doing push ups, i make up my bed and went to the toilet and bath to get some refreshments from that restlessness. finish bathing, i watch TV and at the same time surf the net through my psp and check my Friendster, eBuddy and my blog.....checking my Friendster i surf to my friend profile, she is a girl, i like her alot..friends who is reading this should know whom I'm talking about....i just wish she'll be my steady but i think god have other ways for me or maybe i should change my self to a better man to get her between of the surfing i actually watching this history channel, interesting..its talking about what will happen when the human race is extinct, finish watching the history channel around 12.00p.m my bro change the channel to MTV watching top 10 RnB and my brothers talking about all the artist...and actually today i need to mengaji(Studying to read Arabic words) but my mom she felt abit unwell but she said later she'll teach me...MOM they'll do whatever things for us no matter how sick they are for us to be a better person, must appreciate that(keep that in mind).....

DATE: 15-06-08
TIME: 13:35

Saturday, June 14, 2008


hhmm...continuing from just now. ok, just now i went to the gym do what i always do carrying weights but before talking about the gym lets talk what happen before that...ok when I'm in the MRT towards jurong east around 3.30p.m i was like sitting at the corner of the MRT, when the MRT reached admiralty or woodlands, suddenly this couples came in and sit opposite of me, ok now the surprising thing is, haha....the man's partner is a.....hahaha.....GUY! and its not any normal guy, this guy had change its attitude, dressing and don't forget it also got a breast but the thing is the breast is not round like a normal woman's breast, guess what the breast is freaking look like she really sharpen it with a blady pencil sharpener, hahahaha....ok2 that was a quick glance on that couple but after that i just ignore and read my prayers lots and lots of time cause this kind of person, PEOPLE DON'T EVER PLAY AROUND WITH THIS TYPE OF HYBRID HUMAN...Now i have reach boon lay this is the part that i really cant accept the most, ok i meet my friend Zul already and then we started this conversation and abit of quarrelling about blogging he was wondering why is taufiq(me) messing around with blogging and he also said that blogging is for girls only, i don't get that?, OK ya maybe last time i had said that to my friend but now not....i had told him that blogging is not for only girls its unisex anyone can use it, we went down of the bus and we still quarrelling about it talking about each others opinions about blogging....then we're at the gym's toilet there's this guy from Nutri Forefront his name is Allan or Jordan cant remember he told us to try his supplements, he even give us a brochure and a sample pack from Up Your MASS..


ok if any one interested to buy this supplements the web is, then after talking to him, i went out from the toilet and start carrying weights, after finishing doing some weights i tried that pack of vanilla Up Your Mass and it taste great nice like pure vanilla, i mix the powder with HL milk around 6 ounce of it...NICE!...

DATE: 14-06-08
TIME: 20:48


today i only concentrate on my Lat and my triceps, so far i have done Lat pull down for 6 set weights around 90 pounds till 165 pounds then i do some pull ups around 5 reps and jump to this machine exerciser for the Lat its like bent over row style and i done tat around 6 set and the weight from 30kg one side 15 till 50 one side 25 then mix it with some pull ups to around 3 sets in the between of bent over row sets then do triceps skull crusher around 2sets and weights around 10kg, 5kg one side and done some triceps pull down with a rope done around 6set and weight from 20pounds all the way to 30pounds and then done.

Just starting to make my own blog wake up around 9.00 a.m, i woke up go to the toilet, do asusual wat people always do, urine on the toilet urinating i take out my shirt prepare to do incline push ups, doing around 50...hhhmmm....kind of struggling there when reaching on th 40's to the 50's, but manage. After that i make up my bed then go to the toilet, guess wat i take bath, lol...finish taking my bath around 30mins, put on my cloths and i sit on my bed and message my friend
Taufiq:"today go gym rite?"
Taufiq:"wat time? Meet at woodland rite?"
Alex:"Don't want to go woodland. Maybe not going."
Taufiq:"Huh wat? maybe not going y?"
Alex:"Tired. Plus no money"
Taufiq:"I pay for u $1 then the other u pay urself?ok?"
then he didn't reply maybe his busy of maybe his irritate or something i dunno....then around10.10a.m i do some chatting on e Buddy on my psp, its cool but kind of hard to type fast on that kind of way, just need to practice typing it faster, while i'm looking through the ebuddy i saw alex is online, but i didnt see he putted there away so i tried chatting with him and said to him that i'm using psp to chat with him and that's cool and i also mentioned to him about the $1 i wanted to give him for the entry to the gym but he didn't reply so i just let him be and close the conversation and then i walk my self to the living room, and i sat on the wooden sofa and on the TV and watch POKEMON on kids central, i just dont knw wat to while i'm watching tat cartoon i also online through my psp and see wether my fren will reply to me again, so i tried pressing the nudge 1 time, but still didnt reply so i close the conversation and i just saw that he put his satus on away, stupid ass(ME)......then i surf the Friendster and see who have comment me and message me and everthing then when the Pokemon series finish at 10.30a.m i change the channel and watch MTV..hhmm...MTV is showing that this people wanted to be made to some one better then i watch it not bad kind of interesting, a guy that is so nerd and he wanted to become and actor and he make a fool out of him self by acting a mime but at the end the act is great and he gone through all opstical in life and at the end everbody respects him and girls like him because of his make over cool, cool, have finish then i saw mariah carey music clip, bye bye..damn she's sexy....then while i'm watching the video clip my father said to me to watch other stuff, u know some old people they know nuts about MTV, hahaha.....then i quarrel with him because he also wants to watch the tv and i'm at the sofa doing two things at 1 time using the psp and watching the i give up i said to my father "u want to watch, watch ah" and then the second party join guess who, MY 2 vs 1, MAN DOWN, MAN DOWN!! the end of the stupid quarelling i went in my room and surf the internet then around 11.30 i msg my fren alex
Taufiq":hey u going or not going? if not going i go alone, if ur going we meet at some place, msg me ASAP."
Alex didnt reply for sometime, so i msg my fren zul wether he can accompany me go gym
Taufiq:"Zul kau nak g gym? Msg ASAP.">>(translation:"Zul u want to go gym? Msg ASAP.")
Zul:"Kat mane wat tyme?.">>(translation:"At where wat time?")
Taufiq:"Kau nak g woodlands nye?">>(translation:"you want to go woodlands gym?)
Zul:"oh no nt dere">>(translation:"u should understand that rite?")
Zul:"Aku planin jrg west gym today">>(translation:"i'm planin to go jurong west gym today")
Taufiq:"Ok2 watever, tunggu kat mane?">>(translation:"Ok, ok whatever, wait at where?")
Zul:"kau turun jurong pe? anytime kau boleh smapai sini kau name the time ah">>(translation:"you going jurong? anytime u can reach to jurong you just name it")
Taufiq:"Arnd 2 0r 1, aku msg kau kalau aku dah samapai jurong. u just prepare.">>(translation:"Around 2or 1 i'll message you if i reach jurong. U just prepare.")
then finish messaging zul i lie-down on my bed and relax and then alex replied, alex replied around 11.48a.m
Alex:"no not going. Sorry fiq ohya, you go confirm with syam the going for medical check up, see if you want to go with him."
Taufiq:"syam sot?"
Alex:"Ya. his going for it."
Taufiq:"Wats his number?"
Alex:"********(Private Confidential)"
and then i call him, when i call him he pick up the phone i said hello this is me taufiq, then that bugger said hello2...ah2...siape ni(whos this)..aahh2..ok plz msg me ok bye.....wat the hell, the one whos talking is his voice mail...fuck man!.....